Diabetes Awareness not inc Insulin
This is an accredited CPD course.


To raise awareness of diabetes and management.


  • Identify the types of diabetes and the common causes for its development
  • Define ways to treat diabetes through diet, lifestyle and medication
  • Describe how to monitor diabetes in the community
  • Define the complications associated with diabetes and how to support the client to reduce the risks
  • Apply learning to practice to enable you to implement a person centred approach when supporting a client with diabetes


Virtual classroom

Course length:

1 hour 30 minutes

Latest Past Events

Dignity & Privacy

That your increased understanding of privacy and dignity in care will enrich your approach at point of care for patient’s you support and enrich their experience of care positively in your settings.


Deteriorating Patient

The aim of the course is to inform health care workers how to recognise a deteriorating patient and provide safe, timely and appropriate management or treatment whilst keeping themselves safe.​ 


Immunisation Vaccination Refresher

 Objectives Update and refresh on current issues and controversies regarding immunisation  Summarise effective communication with patients and parents    Recap and update the legal aspects of vaccination  Describe accountability, supervision, and […]
